Sunday, November 5, 2006

Smile :-)

Actually they dont like too much to pose and to take pictures, but as I like it a lot, they didnt have another choice :-)

How familiar such lines are to our people!

Doesn't this line remind you something? Soviet Union? Standing in lines all the time? Deficit?

Do you see a woman in the colourful dress on th right? Our people like to be bright, to be seen.

A city in the city

Walking down the streets of Brighton you can look desperately for any Americans but won't meet them there a lot. But as to Russians, you don't have to go far :-)

Fashion TV: last fashion news from Brighton

And here you can see that our people even living in another country dont forget their own style of life, their own way of dressing. And it's good, I think. And what do you think?

People rest while their cars get sunburnt

And this is how people live when they come home from work and leave all their cars outside :-)

Everywhere you can find fruits just outside. Not only in the shops in plastic bags as being "dead", but alive, breathing, as if just from the tree.

Odessa is everywhere if it is in your heart

Even in NY there is little Odessa. People who come to live there dont forget their home and try to take with them a part of it and make their new land have its clolur and its taste.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

The sun is so bright!

These are appartments for reach russians who come to the US :-)

But i am not russian that is why I dont own any :-)

Walking board

Walking board near the beach. On the right you can see places to live. And in 50 m you can swim in the ocean. Isn't it nice?!
Why men walk so fast? We always have to run after? :-)

Walking board near the beach. On the right you can see places to live and in 50 m you can already swim in the ocean. Isn't it nice?!